Christmas Mass in St. Peter`s on Japanese News

29 12 2008

Pope`s Urbi et Orbi on Japanese News

29 12 2008

This news segment aired at 4:30am so no wonder I didn’t see it until now.    Keep watching until the end to see the Holy Father`s greeting in Japanese.


27 12 2008

Joy to the World the Lord is Come

25 12 2008

Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare him room,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing.


The Nativity, by Gerard van Honthorst (1590-1656).

Christmas Eve and a Speech from the Pope

24 12 2008

The Holy Father has made news recently for a speech he gave to the Roman curia.  I was interested in what he really said so I read the entire speech available here.  In it I found some statements I would like to comment on that have nothing to do with the parts making the news.  If you want to know about the part making the news the Curt Jester has a good post on that subject.

The parts of the speech I will comment on are as follows

The birthday of the Lord is at hand. Every family feels the desire to be reunited, to savour the unique and unrepeatable atmosphere which this feast is capable of creating.

Earlier I referred to the special atmosphere of Christmas. I like to think that this is, as it were, an extension of that mysterious joy, of that intimate elation, which surround the Holy Family, the Angels and the shepherds of Bethlehem on the night Jesus was born.

I would describe that as “the atmosphere of grace”, having in mind the words of St. Paul in the letter to Titus: “The grace of God our Saviour has appeared to all mankind.” (Ti 2:11).

Christmas eve is a big deal here in Japan.  People feel like doing something special so families will buy roast chicken, or KFC, and an expensive strawberry shortcake “Christmas cake.”  Those without children think it is better, and more convenient, to eat out at a nice restaurant and even spend a night in a hotel.    Me I do neither I go to Church of course 😀  The customs I just described though used to bother me and I wondered why do people  do anything at all for a holiday about the birth of Jesus Christ then the Pope gave me my answer.  People are sensing that “special atmosphere of Christmas” as the Holy Father called it and they want to “savour the unique and unrepeatable atmosphere which this feast is capable of creating.”  Of course the customs are just that and people have a hard time quitting but at some point in time those customs started and stuck and I think I know the deeper reason now why they stuck with the reason being in what the Pope desribed.

Mr Bean and the Nativity

22 12 2008

This is hilarious.

Young New Yorker leaves police force to become priest

20 12 2008

.- At the age of 25, Nicolas Fernandez had all of the qualities needed to be a great policeman and his future in the force looked promising.  However, during his daily work he discovered he needed different weapons to help the “troubled souls” he encountered, so he decided to become a priest.

Born on Staten Island of an Irish mother and a Spanish father, Fernandez has begun his six year-long formation at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers.  He had been serving as a police officer for two years when, inspired by the teachings of John Paul II and the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to New York, he decided to change careers and become a priest.

full article

I wonder what in particular about Pope Benedict`s visit inspired this seminarian?  I know from attending two public audiences with the Pope when I had the chance to go to Rome that B16 exudes holiness and it is overwhelming to be in his presence.  I wonder if Mr Fernandez had the same kind of experience and that was the last push he needed?

Christmas Mass Times Tokyo

19 12 2008

St Ignatius next to Sophia University in Yotsuya has this page with all the info you need.

click here

Franciscan Chapel Center in Roppongi also has their Christmas and New Years mass info up.

click here

scroll down a little for the mass info.

I will attend mass in Japanese at my smaller local parish because it wont be as crowded as the major English speaking churches.  Full yes packed to the ceiling no.

I was a Christmas and Easter Catholic for a while and sometimes I didn’t even go on those days, so if you are in the same boat I was in please don’t receive the Eucharist unless you have been to confession first.  St Ignatius is really good for confessions and has the sacrament available, with a multilingual priest,  everyday from 5-7pm, check their website for more info.

With one year to live, cancer-suffering minister dedicates his life to suicide prevention (Part 2)

19 12 2008

The event that brought Nishihara into suicide prevention was a single phone call in the late 1960s, while he was a minister at an Osaka church. The caller was a young man and a member of Nishihara’s congregation. “I can’t sleep at night, and hurt so much,” the young man said. “Please, tell everyone goodbye.” The man hung up and, sometime that day, took his own life.

full article

I am impressed that after meeting Mr.  Nishihara the reporter even started to get involved in the suicide prevention call center.   May God continue to bless their work.

With 1 year to live, cancer-suffering minister dedicates life to suicide prevention (Pt 1)

17 12 2008

On a December night, with only a few yellow leaves left on the Ginkgo trees in the park, a blue light on a telephone flashes as it vibrates softly. “Hello,” a gentle voice answers, “This is the Tokyo Suicide Prevention Center. How can I help you?”

The voice belongs to Akira Nishihara, 79, a minister and founder of the Tokyo Suicide Prevention Center. Nishihara started telephone counseling some 30 years ago. For all that time he has listened to numerous anguished voices caught between living and dying. And now, he is confronting the end of one more life: his own.

full article

I don’t know what has happened to the Mainichi newspaper that they have seemingly started to publish more stories of people doing good but I like it and I hope they keep it up.  I like reading something good when so much news is full of sadness and tragedy.

Here is the website ( in Japanese only) for the Tokyo Suicide Prevention Center.  click here If you have any problems, including feeling suicidal, and you need help in English call the Tokyo English Lifeline.  click here