Happy Feast of St Joseph

19 03 2010

As I said before this is the first year I’m paying attention to this feast because I’ve finally stopped ignoring this wonderful saint.  I also recommended him to my Mom and she said he has done some good things for my family but she didn’t say what yet.

I met with my spiritual director this past Monday and feel so incredibly blessed to have him to talk to.  I know there are people out there who don’t have  a director because it can be hard to find one and that really makes me appreciate mine all the more.   I’m guessing Teresa of Avila might have had some role in arranging this because, and I think I’ve said this before my director is a great admirer of her even more than I am, and he is everything she writes a good director should be. .  This shared admiration usually means our conversations include a few minutes of talking about how great she is 😛  This past meeting didn’t include that though because I made a good confession instead which reminded me of how much I like that sacrament.  I’ve never had a regular confessor that knew me so well until now and it is actually kind of a relief because he can give me better advice and so on, so hooray for confession and good confessors!



4 responses

19 03 2010

Indeed, you are blessed 🙂 I don’t have a spiritual director. Sometimes it’s hard.

I started to admire Teresa of Avila after watching miniseries you wrote about. She was incredible woman!

23 03 2010

What an inspiring blog! I came across your blog while looking for the Lord’s Prayer in Japanese. I’m a Catholic based in Manila. I’ll be following your blog from now on 🙂

27 03 2010

Hello! I hope to post more after Lent as its been a bit difficult to write much lately. Manila huh. Lately Ive experienced some kind of possibly heaven sent campaign to get me to notice and appreciate all things Spanish. Its hard to explain but I think a certain St Teresa is behind it.

27 03 2010

Oh good you watched it. I think the people who made it put a lot of love and research into it. I think once you laugh at anything she said or wrote she has your love from then on. One of my favorite lines form the movie was near the end when Teresa says to some noble lady ” you call that talking, I call it barking” and walks away!

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